Fusion 360 with PowerInspect simplifies the inspection of complex free-form shapes with a wide range of measuring equipment.
PowerInspect is a solution for the quality control based on CAD models, working with many types of equipment.
Facing these challenges?
- Multiple CAD formats from suppliers and customers
- Parts with complex free form surfaces
- Different software for different hardware
- Flexible or fragile parts
- Operators not able to use all hardware
- Jig and fixture checking
- Part assembly and alignment
- Process optimization and control
- Finding the optimum stock distribution of cast or forged parts
- Part rework after removing the part from the machine
- Minimizing process downtime and cost when inspecting large parts
10 reasons to choose PowerInspect
1. A single solution for a wide range of inspection hardware.
2. Short learning curve.
3. Intuitive graphical CAD programming.
4. Powerful CAD-reading capability.
5. Embedded wizards and probing strategies.
6. On-screen feedback for every probed point.
7. Probe path simulation & collision checking.
8. Integration with design and manufacturing.
9. Single-click reporting.
10. Graphical reporting with text and images.
Geometrical control
Quick and simple measurements of geometric features.
PowerInspect allows for quick and simple measurements of geometric features with or without involvement of a CAD model. Detection of features accelerates the measuring process. The user has only to show appropriate spots and the software will detect type of a feature and give it appropriate values, directly from a CAD model.
Generation of clear and legible measuring report.
PowerInspect automatically generates clear and legible measuring report. It can be enriched by subsequent views of parts, which present important dimensional and graphical information basing on a 3D model. The software allows to prepare both concise reports on single sheets and the multiple-page reports which include developed graphic materials, descriptions and annotations for end users.
Manual measuring equipment
Easy in operation tool, supporting manual measurements.
PowerInspect supports all manual measuring devices, such as, e.g., measuring arms and manual CMM machines. PowerInspect is the advanced solution for the quality control, allowing for intuitional preparation of a measuring plan. The software features automated strategies for CAD geometry control. PowerInspect Standard enables to import individual files in neutral CAD formats.
Non-contact measurement
Combination with laser heads and optical equipment.
PowerInspect allows for non-contact measurement through combination with laser heads and optical equipment. PowerInspect Premium enables to import individual models and assemblies, in neutral CAD formats, as well as the files coming from external programs.
Non-contact measurement in PowerInspect enables inspection of CAD models by means of a scanner placed on a measuring arm. Also enables to fetch data from the device without using CAD model and to export them in STL format to another CAD program.
Surface measurement
Analysis of points and comparing it with nominal values of CAD model.
PowerInspect Premium enables measurement of surface basing on the analysis of points and their comparison with nominal values of CAD model.
PowerInspect enables control of a surface and obtaining results which are in conformity with CAD model, in real time. Color points inform about deviation of measurements from nominal value. Thanks to the above the user receives information about conformity of measured element, but also legible and comprehensible measuring report.
Electrode measurement
Reduction of production time and effective control of electrodes.
PowerInspect Ultimate enables measurements of electrodes. It provides possibility to import and update .TRODE files, in order to perform inspection. This function is a solution which considerably shortens the time and reduces the electrode manufacturing costs.
Shortened time and increased accuracy of configuration – automatic positioning of electrodes using data from measurements taken and from functions serving to align elements in order to recalculate their base. Computations performed by the software eliminate time-consuming trials and minimize the risk of errors.
On Machine Verification (OMV)
Measurements of elements directly on a machine tool by means of a probe.
On Machine Verification (OMV) in PowerInspect enables inspection of complicated shapes and geometry directly on a machine tool by means of a probe. The probe measurements allow to control dimensional tolerances between the processes and after completion of machining.
On machine verification allows to measure elements, as they are still in the machine tool, reducing the need to transfer parts between the machine tool and the CMM. On Machine Verification (OMV) module enables measuring of components using a probe, its calibration and also simulation.
Automated measuring process
Control of complicated shapes on coordinate measuring machines CNC/DCC
Automated measuring process serves for the control of complicated shapes and geometry on coordinate measuring machines CNC/DCC. Enables scanning in off-line mode, simulation of a probe and detection of collisions.
Measuring sequences are created quickly by means of intelligent cursor, which automatically marks geometric features from CAD models, with one click. Automated measuring process means the best practices and flexibility. Thanks to offering proven measuring strategies, which can be modified according to the customer’s request, all measuring tasks for geometric and free surfaces are executed in a simple way.