Homepage / Software / Fusion 360 with PowerMill / PowerMill Standard
PowerMill Standard® is available in a subscription to the special Fusion 360 with PowerMill Standard package, thanks to which you gain access to the PowerMill Standard, Fusion 360, Fusion 360 – Manufacturing Extension, Fusion 360 – Team and HSMWorks packages.
Extensions in Fusion 360 with PowerMill Standard:
PowerMill Standard
Autodesk PowerMill Standard software offers expert levels of NC programming for 3-axis, high-speed and multi-axis applications.
Manufacturing Extension
Manufacturing Extension allows you to increase the speed of work thanks to automation, while improving control over machines and processes.
Fusion 360 – Team
Fusion 360 – Team allows you to remove the limitations of traditional design and production processes by using a modern collaborative environment.
Fusion 360
Fusion 360 accelerates the formation of ideas, eliminates the hassle of communicating with engineering teams, and turns concepts into profitable products.
Manufacturing Extension allows you to increase the speed of work thanks to automation, while improving control over machines and processes.
Fusion 360 with PowerMill Standard functions:
3-axis milling in the PowerMill is the solution leading on the market for programming machining of complicated 3D surfaces. Wide range of 3D machining strategies allows to obtain better surface finish, in the shortest possible computation time.
Unique technologies, such as multithreading and background processing in the PowerMill, allow to fully use the possessed computer equipment. Background processing allows to organize actions without waiting for calculation of a toolpath. Multithreading reduces programming time. So, we receive more time for cutting and less for waiting for calculation of a toolpath.
3-axis milling in PowerMill first of all means:
- Speed: minimization of computation times, thanks to the 64-bit support, multithreading and background processing.
- Reliability: detection and avoiding collisions.
- Operating comfort: quick programming of even the most complicated 3-axis parts, in the shortest possible time.
- Optimization: modification of tool paths with advance technology of the tool track edition in order to achieve the assumptions.
- Automation: automating of everyday work by using macros and templates.
3 + 2 milling in the PowerMill enables to turn a tool from vertical position to an angled position, which not only improves cutting conditions, but also allows to reach hardly-accessible areas of a workpiece.
Intuitive user interface makes it easy to create paths, allowing the machine to work parts more aggressively, shorten a cycle time and improve the surface finish.
3+2 milling means the 5-axis machining in the PowerMill. Allows the user to set one or more tool axis directions through indexing of rotation axes.
Advantages of 3+2 milling in the PowerMill:
- more safe dynamic machining of parts,
- reduced cycle time,
- improved surface finish,
- creation of 3+2 toolpaths.
Operation of 3+2 module consists in using two rotary axes in order to tilt a tool. PowerMill enables to low down the head together with the tilted tool, thus facilitating access to the machined surface. Good surface finish and accurate dimensions can be achieved by using shorter tools and higher speeds, with smaller deflections of a tool. 3+2 milling in the PowerMill means: shorter tool movements and cycle time, less NC program code bars and less configurations, and also a possibility to use more rigid cutting tools than it would have been allowable in the conventional 3-axis machining.
Milling with turning on a PowerMill is the function that enables to perform turning operation for 5-axis mill-turn machines. It allows to automatically create rotary profiles from and imported CAD, in order to obtain the proper blank model.
Milling with turning module allows profile machining, grooving, boring and machining of face surfaces. Gather special precise lathes together and use them to create toolpaths for roughing and finishing tools and NC programs.
Advantages of the Milling with turning module:
- option of the tool path editing, e.g., changing the sequence of paths and limitations without the need of recalculation,
- option of the tool path start and end points editing,in order to monitor its correct run,
- detection of collisions which includes the blank workpiece material, tools, machined model and the machine,
- possibility to create turning operations for 5-axis mill-turn machines in order to utilize them more effectively.
Simulation and detection of collisions in PowerMill are the functions which assist the user to quickly detect potential errors. Read-in 3D model of your machine into PowerMill and use it to carry out high-performance and multi-axis toolpaths.
PowerMill Standard offers wide range of functionalities for protection of machine tools:
- Toolpath simulation.
- Machine simulation.
- Detection of a tool collision.
- Material loss simulator.
Advantages of the simulation module and detection of collisions:
- Protection of a machine tool against damage.
- More safe machining of complicated parts.
- Less standstills and lower production delay.
- Reduction of scrap and decreasing storage costs.
- Elimination of unexpected machine movements.